Friday, June 26

I won't grow up !

Outside our living room window is a bird feeder "rack" that's like a tall big saw horse where various bird feeders hang. There's also this little screwed in tuna can where I put nuts and treats for both birds and mammals. This baby Downy woodpecker was being fed by his parents, up and down the posts, first one parent and then the other, til he got tired and thought that ol tuna can being nest shape and snuggle size would be a great place to wait to be fed. When his parents saw this, they both stopped and stared, morsels in their beaks, disgust on their faces. Progress was being impeded by natal memory, and they had had about enough. When the morsels stopped coming, he looked around for his folks, took the hint and flew off. Can't blame a kid for trying, though. Sometimes I just feel like doing the same thing- cept I have WAY outgrown my tin can...

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Little People House

Little People House
You do believe, right?

In a hole there lived a hobbit...

In a hole there lived a hobbit...