Sunday, June 14

Garden Grows

I have not posted on my blogs since March, and that is a bit telling so I will be up front. It's been one heck of a journey full of grief, joy, and change. After Mom's death during the Christmas holidays I sort of went into a tail spin. I gave myself two months to get it together. I thought I was being generous.- surely the riot of drama in day to day living would hold off a bit, let me hide, wait on me. Everyone would understand... Nope- Life just came zinging along, full tilt, and ever challenging.

You wake up, and morning still comes.

You ignore it and weeds take over.

You plan for better yields and the rains come drowning.

You discover the beauty moments, and you walk to the house with bug bites.

You forget for the moment your original plan, the garden sees this and takes advantage


While you are weeding you unearth something you have lost

And while you are planting, a friend stops by

While you are shopping some seeds you need are on sale

Taking out the garbage you see the robin's nest

Crying at dusk your tears nurture the earth

Watching the news those hungry children are not your grandchildren

And you think, the sun still rises, and the garden still grows, and you match your pace with the

rhythm of life and go on.

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