Thursday, May 1

Apple Blossoms! It's Spring!

We might have apples this year, if we don't get a freeze. That's good because if we have apples I will make sauce and pies and dried and try and stretch the food budget a little farther. In some ways I think the high gas prices will be good for us. I'll stay home more, I'll walk more, slow down, create more. I'd still like to nominate the oil barons for an extreme makeover, I think I would start with their household budget...But oh how thankful I am for spring!

1 comment:

Joseph Pulikotil said...


It is really wonderful to have apples in your yard. Apples don't grow in our place. They are transported from far away places like Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. You will be surprised to know that we even get apples from Washington. The prices are exorbitant. So very few people can afford to buy them.

The increase in fuel prices has upset the budget of many people in India. The inflation rate is 11% here and is expected to rise further. It is really a struggle to make both ends meet.

Have a good day!

Little People House

Little People House
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In a hole there lived a hobbit...