Saturday, September 1

Im still here, I think, are you?

I'm still here, I think, are you?

It's been quite a while since I posted last and I am remiss. After the death of my daughter Leah, in July of 2016, then my Uncle Travis, then my daughters father and ex Doug, I've been readjusting, mourning, readjusting some more. Yes there are certainly 5 stages of grief, not necessarily in an order, and often repeated. I am strong. I am most comfortable in the anger stage, but that is not good for me so I am methodically doing self care.

Routine helps. Busy helps. Learning helps. Helping Leah's young sons, and brother helps. Caring for my husband (who was 80 in July) helps. We both need a keeper. We have each other.

My daughter was kind and loving and special. She was 42. There is a special place in hell for every irresponsible Dr. treating pain, the major drug manufacturers who's claim of non addiction was a lie, the justice system, and every drug dealer. They can't get there fast enough to suit me. But she is free, with no pain, no MS, though we miss her dreadfully.

One of my favorites taken in 2008

Somewhere out there is a link to this site. But my basic domain has no website and I really don't understand all this stuff. I'm going to try and link all this to my facebook for now. It's what I can handle.

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Little People House

Little People House
You do believe, right?

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