I have to brag on my sister Catherine.
She is so talented and so creative and is in business, at home. As a self employed cottage industry of authorship of knitting books, home manufactured tools and instructions, the designer of the now famous spindolyn, (a new drop spindle for spinning) and a fiber artist one wonders if she ever sleeps. http://www.knittinganyway.com/
The small farm alone is a full time job, with critters, and yard work and repairs. Her inventions are many-drop by her web site and see what is happening. You might also be able to buy her instructions for " I have to have a greenhouse now." or "what I have learned building and maintaining a filtered pond for when the spring runs dry/endangered frog habitat" You see our family is all about invention, and making lemonade when you are given lemons, and finding a better way, and experiments, and brainstorms. We are fascinated with most everything, and we love to learn. Feel free to follow our journey- it's never dull, and always changing.